12 Best Blonde Jokes That Will Make You Cry Laughing
Thursday, Aug 20, 2020, 8:44 am
Tony Williams
Blondes are the most beautiful women in the world, and most men on the planet desire to have one in their life. Lately, many pale-haired women are dying their hair dark in an attempt to break away from the identity. Why? You know, we know, and everybody knows the dumb blonde stereotype is the culprit. What women with golden tresses need to remember is that envy is the mother of the dumb blonde stereotype! A few hundred years ago, blondes would take all the successful and handsome men in the society, and the other sects started reproving them saying blondes use their bodies more than brains to grow up in life. Read these 12 dumb blonde jokes to see how dumb and funny the stereotype has become!
#8 Memory Of A Goldfish
Clearly this joke is making sure that you see that blonde women have the attention span of a goldfish and that anything you tell them simply leaks out like a burst pipe. Clearly a coffee break is far too dangerous and that in itself is scary.

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