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Medical Volunteer Reveals 14 Incidents Of Him Working In Festivals

Saturday, Aug 15, 2020, 1:21 pm

Working as a volunteer at festivals and large concerts is not as boring as you might have thought. Why? It's so because you get to meet lots of people (drunk and sober) and you see many interesting things happening right in front of your eyes! Free food, beer, and small gifts are a bonus if you are nice with the booth vendors! Read these 14 interesting stories told by a medical volunteer, and you will understand why working as a volunteer is actually great, and something you should prefer doing! 
4.The Positive Sides of Being a Volunteer

Booth vendors trickle in and out throughout the day for OTC meds, ear plugs etc.
Get recognized while off duty, given tons of food, drink, and assorted trinkets by various vendors. 
As I wandered around off duty, I kept getting called over to various booths and was gifted lovely food, drink, and occasionally small articles.  Apparently medical is a very well loved group.  :)

The Positive Sides of Being a Volunteer-Medical Volunteer Reveals 14 Incidents Of Him Working In Festivals

5.And a Guest's Funny Search

Notice festee is spending a *lot* of time looking through the self-help supplies.
"I thought you guys would have more drugs available."

And a Guest's Funny Search-Medical Volunteer Reveals 14 Incidents Of Him Working In Festivals

6.This Funny Hippie

"My life force flows out into the world."
That's your blood, you are bleeding all over the damn place. 
This poor festee was enjoying a beautiful adventure Lucy and some diamond skies when she slid down a trail side and caught the edge of a barb fence.  She was sitting outside of Medical watching her hand and arm drip blood - the sun apparently glinted off of the drops in a fabulous fashion.  We have brightly colored bandage tape specifically for these situations.  She was wholly content staring at her wrapped hand and arms for the next three hours.'

This Funny Hippie-Medical Volunteer Reveals 14 Incidents Of Him Working In Festivals

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