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10 Changes To Children Books That Depict Changes In Our Society

Friday, Aug 21, 2020, 9:26 am

Richard Scarry's Best Word Book Ever is one of the most popular and best-selling children books in the world. The book was first published in 1963. The revised edition of this book, which was released in 1980, had some significant changes over the original version. Many of the stereotypes featured in the original version were either removed or updated. These updates clearly show how our society has changed and progressed over the past few decades. 
4.Showing Female Characters In Hard Jobs

In the older version, hard jobs like the one you see in the picture were illustrated using male characters only. The newer version shows female characters in a liberalized manner.

Showing Female Characters In Hard Jobs-10 Changes To Children Books That Depict Changes In Our Society

5.Another Picture That Show Women Breaking Gender Stereotypes

Luckily for the publishers, All they have to do is to add or remove hair bow to a character to make it look male or female!

Another Picture That Show Women Breaking Gender Stereotypes-10 Changes To Children Books That Depict Changes In Our Society

6.They Have Removed Unnecessary Adjectives

The word 'handsome pilot' became 'pilot'. The word 'pretty stewardess' became 'flight attendant'. Thanks to the update, the picture no longer looks sexist. 

They Have Removed Unnecessary Adjectives-10 Changes To Children Books That Depict Changes In Our Society

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