15 Most Awkward Public Transport Pictures
Saturday, Aug 15, 2020, 3:48 pm
By:James Fraser
There are two kinds of people living on this planet. One always does the awkward, while the other simply watches awkward things in wonder. We see those awkward people doing all sorts of bizarre things here and there. If you are a public transport commuter, you are sure to witness those awkward moments at least once in a while. Here are fifteen most awkward public transport pictures that make you laugh.
13.Gangsta Granny and Her Swagy Neckpiece
You can't unsee that big round clock granny was wearing as neckpiece! This grandma proved why it is never too late to do anything, even to put swag on. We believe she was reading 'Badassery: Advanced Level' book there. Nevertheless, that 'clocklace' was amazing!

14.Excuse Me Sir, Can You Take Your Steroids Off My Face
We strongly believe that the bodybuilder's hand weigh more than the weight of entire body of the old man. That poor old man is nearly crushed by that bodybuilder guy's massive hand. We aren't new to a problem like this. Though we don't often sit next to people with massive muscles, we are sure to sit next to a people with massive bones! Yes, bones! Big boned – that's what obese people call themselves!

15.Best Way to Keep Molesters on Public Transport at Bay
Firstly, is this even legal? We don't know! This lady was spotted in a train playing with her pet python. We have no idea why this woman is carrying a python with her on public transport. Ladies, if you are frequently bothered by men troubling you in buses or trains, a pet python seems to be a good problem solver next to a needle or Swiss knife!

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