15 People Tell Their Most Cringeworthy Experience Ever
Tuesday, Aug 25, 2020, 4:00 pm
By:James Fraser
Sex itself can be awkward! What if some really weird things happen during sex or sexual acts? People who have sex sometimes land themselves into some bizarre and embarrassing situations. Now, it's time to read some of those craziest and awkward things that have happened during sex. We have fifteen people here who shared their most embarrassing sex stories with us.
1.This Wet Dream
I had a wet dream on an overnight bus once where I called out the name of the girl I was dreaming about when I came. The girl was sitting next to me.
I spent the next 9 hours pretending/hoping to be dead.

2.When Girlfriend's Little Brother Walked in
Had girlfriend's little brother walk in while I was cumming in his sister's mouth. He waved at me because he didn't realize what was happening at first. All I could think to do was wave back.... while cumming.

3.This Girl and Her Curiosity
When I was a kid and first discovered that I could put things into my vagina, and it felt good, I experimented. A lot. One memorable time I shoved a bunch of Barbie clothes inside me. They obviously sopped up any natural lubricant I had and were incredibly hard to remove. I lost a dress up there for a day.

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