15 People Reveal The White Lies They Said That Went Too Far
Sunday, Aug 30, 2020, 4:15 pm
By:James Fraser
A small lie can change your life! Sometimes, you may be forced to live the lie for a longer period. If you could remember, your parents probably taught you not tell even a single lie. They said so because you need to keep lying to cover up one small lie! A simple no-harm lie needs about a hundred other cover-up lies. Check how these fifteen people got their lies go too far than they expected.
1.The worst lie ever!
I told all my friends I was on Nickelodeon Guts as a kid. I finally broke the news it was a lie and my friends never let it go. They say it's the worst lie they've ever been told.

2.This Terrible Lie
A friend told his teacher that his parents died when they questioned him about being absent. The school collected the money for the family only to find out that his parents were not, in fact, dead.

3.This Guy Who Was Just Bad at Lying
I told my girlfriend that the bobby pins she had found on our floor belonged to my friend's gf when they spent the night while she was out of town. We're no longer together.

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