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15 Most Embarrassing Dads On Facebook Ever

Sunday, Aug 30, 2020, 4:22 pm

The older generation has a problem using social media. This is the reason sometimes Facebook messages or tweets from parents and grandparents can be embarrassing. Some of them just share random awkward stuff or drop super-embarrassing public messages. All people are not the same. Now that means all dads aren't the same either. Check these fifteen awkward and inappropriate Facebook messages from dads that will make you cringe!
1.A Compliment from a Dad

But that's not a compliment you get from a normal dad. We guess no girl likes it when her dad is complimenting about her bum, publicly on Facebook.

A Compliment from a Dad-15 Most Embarrassing Dads On Facebook Ever

2.Blame it on Heredity

Was the dad defending himself or his son? Either way, that wasn't a great reply, particularly because it came from a dad!

Blame it on Heredity-15 Most Embarrassing Dads On Facebook Ever

3.Dad Posted Inappropriate Las Vegas Trip Photos on Facebook

As a son or a daughter, if you have a dad like this guy, you will be deeply embarrassed by his actions. You can just do whatever you want to do, but need to check things twice before posting something on social media.

Dad Posted Inappropriate Las Vegas Trip Photos on Facebook-15 Most Embarrassing Dads On Facebook Ever

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