15 People Tell Their Craziest Neighbor Stories
Friday, Aug 14, 2020, 7:18 am
By:James Fraser
We hear about lots of weird and bizarre things happening almost every day. Only a few individuals can witness such things live. We all have neighbors. Even a ruthless criminal will have neighbors. Do you have crazy people living in your neighborhood? Well, these fifteen people had! Read fifteen crazy neighbor stories as told by people, in their words.
13.Neighbor Who Thinks He is a Sword Ninja
Neighbor across the street went crazy(or he finally snapped, he was always a bit weird) and ran down to the nearest gas station with a samurai sword and tried to cut up the cashier with it. He later came back to his house and hulled up in his house. I only saw swat team and the sheriff come as I was walking to school, but my family told me that they gassed his house and had a sniper in my brother's room just in case he became deadly. Took them four hours to get him detained.
This guy served in Vietnam and was a five-time black belt or something with, obviously, a few screws loose. And swords, lots of swords.
14.This True Horror
Well, I can recall the time when the wife of the couple living next door ran out of the alley next to their house yelling, "He's got a gun! He's got a gun!" To which my mom responded by locking the doors and calling the police. We learned later that she'd been shot in the face, but survived, and that he was arrested post-haste.
15.Weird and Creepy Neighbors
My neighbors are very curious, and they always look into our kitchen from their backyard. Well, one time when we came back from our four weeks vacation they CUT OFF the top of a tree in our garden so they could look into our kitchen from their bedroom. o_o
We hope you enjoyed reading these crazy neighbor stories as we did, And we are sure some of you must had some crazy neighbor encounters as well, Share them on our page. :)
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