15 People Share Their Sex Horror Stories With Everyone
Thursday, Aug 20, 2020, 5:02 pm
By:James Fraser
Given the fact how lazy we humans are, God has to come up with something really great to keep this human population growing! Thanks to him, we now have a thing called sex, which is the most important thing in life for many people around the world. Sex is great. However, there is always a deep and dark side attached to it. Here are fifteen people who shared their gross, bizarre and horrible sex stories.
10.This Terrible Accident
"I slipped as I got out of the shower during shower-sex. One hand landed on my wet boyfriend, and the other managed to grab the shower curtain that couldn't hold my weight. I spun around and smashed my ribs onto the faucet. The next morning I learned I cracked a few of my ribs."
Besides sharks, sex can kill people as well. After reading this story, you will understand how and why. We are highly unlikely to suspect accidents that may happen during sexual intercourse. You got to be careful.

11.Pet Owners Can Relate
"The night I proposed to my wife, we had really hot sex. We were going at it in bed with the covers off. Then our new kitten hopped up on the bed and started to bat around my balls."
Some people let their pets to sleep with them on beds. Some don't. There are reasons why should not let your pets sleep with you on bed, and there are a few reasons why you should. Ultimately, it comes down to personal choice. And yes, pets that sleep on human beds are likely to make some kind of funny and inappropriate acts.

12.Joker Might Be Hiding in the Bushes
"I had sex with a guy who once said: 'Call me Batman. Call me the Dark Knight.' Then, afterwards, he peed out of his bedroom window that faced the front yard. Why?!"
That was a weird and a hilarious incident. He may have felt ecstatic. Or, It may be the case of alcoholic intoxication.

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