15 Most Disturbing Family Secrets Ever Revealed By People
Sunday, Aug 16, 2020, 4:41 pm
By:James Fraser
Prepare yourself to read some of the wildest family secret confessions! These wild, dark and extreme family secrets are revealed to the world by none other than family members and their friends. Read about incestuous relationships, molestations, crimes and many more. Here are fifteen most bizarre and totally fucked up family secrets told by people on Reddit.
1.This is Awkward
Ex girlfriend told me her dad molested her, as we were driving to HAVE FUCKING DINNER WITH HIM.

2.This Sad Secret
Ex-girlfriend admitted that her now deceased brother raped her when she was about 10. She kept his ashes by her bed at all times. He died from a seizure when living by himself (years after the rape). For obvious reasons, I wanted to hurt him . . . but he was already dead. I don't know how you get closure there.

3.When Children Know About Their Mommy's Scary Past
My sister told me my mom bullied a girl so bad in high school she killed herself.

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