15 People Reveal The Craziest Thing They Have Witnessed At A Party
Thursday, Aug 20, 2020, 4:45 pm
By:James Fraser
Can you even imagine a party without dumb people or people doing some crazy stuff? Oh yes, every party has those moments. However, sometimes, things go out of control, making us witness some highly awkward or deeply disturbing scenes at parties. Read fifteen crazy and insane things happened at parties, as shared by people. This is must read list for all the party freaks out there! Hysterical laughter guaranteed!!!
1.This Rookie Stuntman at a Party
In Ireland a few years back I watched a drunk American dude create a path through the packed first-floor party with the "yo yo, watch this" idiots war cry, then run and jump over the balcony towards the tree outside. After hitting the tree limb and falling into the bushes below, he returned to the party with a broken nose, orbital bone and a gash on his face which looked like a kicked burrito. He kept saying "I'm ok man, I'm cool" all the while his exposed cheek bone and broken teeth said otherwise.... Good times!

2.Rednecks Stole Beer Keg at a Party
At a keg party, everyone is having a great time, three weird, strange rednecks showed up. One of them starts to do the knife game from the aliens movie, going real fast, stabs himself real fucking hard right in the finger, everyone cringes, dudes finger is pouring blood, him and his buddies wrap his finger in a paper towel and leave, as we are all laughing and talking about the crazy shit someone notices... They stole the fucking keg. The idiot with the knife was a diversion; the other two carried the keg out. Fucking rednecks.

3.The Unwelcomed Guest
A huge, bald, Mr. Clean looking guy walks in, lays down a few lines of coke on the kitchen counter, and proceeds to snort them off a giant bowie knife that came out of seemingly nowhere. After a few lines, he turns and points the knife directly at me and says, "You want a go at this?"
I said, "no, thanks" and he just continued snorting. We were all expecting an altercation when the host asked him to leave, but his response was, "Oh yes, of course. I understand."
No one at the party knew who he was.

4.This Total Mess
I had a big party at my parent's house when I was 16, they were out of town for a New Years thing somewhere, so I had a HUGE New Years Eve party that totally got out of control. Probably 60 kids there, and it snowed a bunch, so they were calling their parents at various times saying they were staying over at one of their friend's house. Our pipes froze during the night, so the toilets stopped working and got pretty disgusting. I have no idea how the cops weren't called, I guess it had to do with it being New Years Eve.
At one point one of my idiot guests punched a hole in the wall in our dining room, which was just off the kitchen. He'd been using the phone there, and something made him mad, and he punched a fist-sized hole in the wall. I found out about it the next morning.

5.Not So Cool…
6.The Game Every Drunk Person Should Avoid Playing
In an escalating series of dares, an extremely drunk guy got butt-naked, ran around the neighborhood and knocked on every door saying, "Open up motherfuckers." Someone called the cops, party got shut down, and the guy spent night in lock up.
Was funny, would have been even funnier if the guy in question was someone else.

7.This Hilarious Party Shutdown
Big college house party and some of the neighbors called the police.
Instead of barging in, the police patrolled the street a bit, which we responded with by telling everyone at the party to shut up and turn off the lights. To my surprise, these loud college kids all stayed quiet, sitting on the floor, drinking in silence IN THE DARK for at least half an hour. Some would go on their phones, or start whispering to one another, but those around them would tell them to knock it off or shut off the light of their phone. We've had parties shut down before; I don't know what made this one special.

8.When Your Friends Mom Is Horny
Friends mom blowing a bunch of teenagers.
She was the "cool mom" who let her kids friends drink at her place because we were going to do it anyway. Most of the time she would get trashed with us and all was fun. She was a single mom and a huge whore, everyone in town new she would fuck anything. She wasn't bad looking either 7/10 and we were horny teenagers. One of my friends straight up asked her when she was good and wasted. When she said yes he asked for all of us. (Only 4 of us) and she was down! Her son was not pleased when he found out about that...

9.Playing with a Thawed Turkey
There was a turkey in the fridge of the girl's house we were partying at. It was her parent's turkey (this was in high school) for Sunday dinner that weekend.
Someone found the turkey, passed the turkey around, the turkey ended up getting thrown down the stairs. The turkey ended up in the toilet. And most unfortunately, the turkey ended back up in the fridge and was eaten on Sunday.

10.This Party Pooper
After a night of wine pong and tacos, my roommate had explosive diarrhea on his way up to his room. The shit just flowed down the stairs, and the party promptly ended.

11.So Much Happened in One Single Night
All in one night I saw:
1. A guy gets bottled with a full bottle of New Zealand wine, started gushing blood and had to get stitches
2. A cocaine-induced orgy (4 guys five girls) in the walk-in closet of the host's master bedroom
3. Literally a clown showing up mid-party with two family meals of Popeye's chicken
4. A 100 cup game of beer pong (50 vs. 50)

12.This Ouch Moment
I was at a house party back in college in a really nasty house that was wall to wall people. The whole living room was being used as a dance floor and because there were too many people for the house's foundation to handle, the entire living room floor collapsed. I guess it's not that crazy, but watching a bunch of intoxicated half-naked women tries to crawl out of the giant hole was pretty entertaining.

13.When Fire too Wants to Join the Party
House got set on fire because the speakers were full volume + too many people + sweat. Speakers sparked on mesh. Mesh caught fire. Fire expanded. Drunk man splashed tequila to take out fire. Fire got bigger. Everyone scattered. Party was over.

14.And This Lady... Who Peed in the Kitchen
A girl passed out. She woke and tried to find the bathroom. I pointed her in the right direction and went to pass out myself. I woke up the next morning and found her sitting at the kitchen table, pants and underwear at her ankles, and a large puddle of piss on the floor.
I very quietly, but quickly left.

15.This Poor Little Kid
I was 20, I was at a rave/party around 4 am and I see this little kid about twelve years old. I asked him if his parents knew where he was. He pointed at a woman dancing with a group of people and said, "that's my mom right over there."

I'm pretty sure some of our readers must have witnessed some really crazy things at parties as well. Oh, Don't be shy, tell us all about it in the comments on our page, We love to hear them. :)
By the way, Have you ever gotten Drunk and did some stupid stuff? Of course, you did! Here are 15 crazy things every drunk girl has done in her life.
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