15 Children Toys That Are Inappropriate On So Many Different Levels
Friday, Aug 21, 2020, 6:57 am
By:James Fraser
Perverts love being perverts.Some sick and twisted souls do not even leave children’s toys alone, and display the heights of their pervertedness even in toy making. Whether or not these toys have been made by perverts, or are just bizarre unexplained accidents, the images of toys that we are showing you here are highly inappropriate on so many levels. We give you a reason to double check everything before buying a toy for your kid next time.
They are awkward, but perhaps funny at the same time, unless you are a parent!
4.A Toy Taser to Tase Children
What does the product say? It magically turns undisciplined kids into angels! What does a parent have to do? Just tase the kids with this KiddieTazer! Maybe this is not such a bad toy after all.

5.This Pregnant Doll With Its Stomach Opened
It is creepy, but it helps you to answer the famous question of 'where do babies come from?' Would you let your child play with a doll as creepy as this?

6.Baby’s First Baby, the Name itself is F***d up
Baby is pregnant, and the baby of baby is also pregnant! That’s what this world’s most inappropriate doll has on offering for the children who want to play with it. Don’t forget to have a look at the three milk bottles, and decide for yourself which baby is getting what.

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