15 Children Toys That Are Inappropriate On So Many Different Levels
Friday, Aug 21, 2020, 6:57 am
By:James Fraser
Perverts love being perverts.Some sick and twisted souls do not even leave children’s toys alone, and display the heights of their pervertedness even in toy making. Whether or not these toys have been made by perverts, or are just bizarre unexplained accidents, the images of toys that we are showing you here are highly inappropriate on so many levels. We give you a reason to double check everything before buying a toy for your kid next time.
They are awkward, but perhaps funny at the same time, unless you are a parent!
10.The Horse with Five Legs
We suspect a manufacturing defect that stitched an extra leg on this doll. There may be a possibility of doll makers stitching a ‘handle’ kind of thing to hold the doll comfortably. Until we all come to a suitable conclusion, this horse with a d*** will remain out of our children’s reach.

11.The Baby Doll that Was Imported Right from Hell
It gives even grownups goose bumps and nightmares by simplylookinginto the eyes of this incredibly creepy doll. Do you think your kids would like this doll? If they are possessed, they might?

12.Batman Water Gun with Inappropriately Placed Trigger
Unfortunately this Batman toy was made to do things in a backwards kind of way. Press his wee wee trigger and he pees (splashes) water out his mouth!

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