15 People Confess The Scariest Thing Happened To Them
Monday, Aug 31, 2020, 4:51 pm
By:James Fraser
So, what's the scariest thing happened to you? Before you strain your mind, and try to dig all the bad things happened to you, read the stories of these fifteen people who revealed the scariest thing happened to them. Life's mysterious. We don’t know what happens to us in the very next minute. Life's a mix of good and bad experiences. No one can escape those bad moments. We all have them. You must consider yourself lucky if you don't have a story as scary as these fifteen people.
10.This Freaky Accident
I almost slipped and fell down into a ravine with a younger girl I had just met. I had to drag her up over me on this steep hill. I made sure she was safe first because she was so little and could barely hang on. I was about 12.

11.Oh, These Robbers!
I was 15 and had just come home from my shift at work. My mom was gonna be home in like an hour. I was sitting in my bed with my window kinda behind and to the left of my head. I was on my laptop with my headphones on and the lights totally off when all of a sudden, I heard a loud crack and saw out of the corner of my eye the window shoot open. A guy in a black mask pops his head in and says "oh fuck", Obviously trying to rob my house. At this point I thought I was going to die. Scariest moment of my life by far.

12.That Was Gross, But Funny in the End
I was sitting on the toilet, peeing, and I look down and see a pulpy shiny white clump in the toilet. I get sort of nervous, like, ew did that come from me? So I slowly look in my vulva and see more and my heart sinks. What sort of fucking disease do I have?? Should I go to the doctor?? Is it an std? A yeast infection? I pulled it out, turned out it was just toilet paper from last time I peed stuck in there.

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