15 Unusual And Sexy World Records
Monday, Aug 17, 2020, 6:46 am
Tony Williams
A world record is a unique feat a person or group of individuals achieve by doing something no other individual or group has done before. World records are mostly associated with sports. Publications like Guinness World Records have popularized the concept of world records. We got to say that the golden era of world records is over. The world records concept has become a subject of laughter these days that you too can achieve one by standing on a wall with one leg, smoking the most number of cigarettes! Or, wear as many underwears as possible while you are running! Jokes aside, we have fifteen unusual and sexy world records here that are worth taking a look!
#6 Smallest Penis - Medically Verified
The smallest penis that has ever been medically verified is 0.39 inches long and it was due to the fact that with this guy most of the penis was actually kind of stuck inside his body. There is also another medical condition out there that can result in a guy not being very well endowed.


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