15 Pop Stars Now Vs How They Looked In Their First Album
Saturday, Aug 29, 2020, 10:56 am
By:James Fraser
Almost all celebrities are super wealthy and famous. Before becoming famous, most celebs had an ordinary people like us, but with a clear goal. They had their dreams. They went through a lot of struggles. All that matters at the end of the day is success, and they got it. Very few celebrities managed to strike big and strike hard with their debut album or music single. Here are fifteen pictures of pop stars that show you how they looked in their first album, and how they look now.
7.Katy Perry
Back in 2001, Katy Perry released a Christian music album named 'Katy Hudson'. It is the first album released by Katy Perry, whose name was Katy Hudson back then. She released 'Ur So Gay' song in 2007, which didn't perform well. The subsequent albums like 'One of the Boys', and 'Teenage Dream' helped her build a strong prominence in the industry. The first Picture is from the 2007 Song 'Ur So Gay'. The second picture is from the song 'This is How We Do' from the album 'Prism'. Her style and appearance has changed a lot in the last few years.

8.Miley Cyrus
The first picture shows us the Miley Cyrus we all knew and loved. The first picture is from her 2007 song '7 Things', written and performed by her. The second picture is from the song 'BB Talk', from the album 'Miley Cyrus & Her Dead Petz'. Most people have no clue what the lady is up to these days. She still has a strong fan base, Especially her Feet.

'Pon De Replay' is a song from her 2005 debut music album 'Music of the Sun'. The 'Rated R' star, Rihanna, has changed a lot over the years in her appearance and style preferences. The Barbados star has started the year 2016 on a great note with her album 'Anti'.
First Picture: Pon De Replay (Music of the Sun Album), 2005
Second Picture: Work (Anti Album), 2016

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