15 Pop Stars Now Vs How They Looked In Their First Album
Saturday, Aug 29, 2020, 10:56 am
By:James Fraser
Almost all celebrities are super wealthy and famous. Before becoming famous, most celebs had an ordinary people like us, but with a clear goal. They had their dreams. They went through a lot of struggles. All that matters at the end of the day is success, and they got it. Very few celebrities managed to strike big and strike hard with their debut album or music single. Here are fifteen pictures of pop stars that show you how they looked in their first album, and how they look now.
She is the Queen of Pop! She has been in the recording industry for over 30 years. At the time of recording her music album 'Rebel Heart' in 2015 she was over 55. The first picture is from one of her songs from the 1983 debut studio album 'Madonna'. The second picture is from 'Bitch, I'm Madonna' song from the album 'Rebel Heart' in 2015.

11.Demi Lovato
Demi Lovato won hundreds of thousands of fans around the world not only for her acting skills, but also because of her amazing voice. She has released five music albums till date. Most of her music albums are commercial successes. Check how Demi Lovato changed in a span of 8 years from her 2008 'Don’t Forget' debut album to 'Confident', which was released in 2015.

12.Maria Carey
Mariah Carey is one of the top pop stars ever. She is one of the very few American singers who have excellent control over their voice. She is 45 years old now, and the lady is still making some brilliant music. The first picture shows Mariah Carey on her debut music album 'Vision for Love' (1990), and the second picture is from her 2015 compilation album '#1 to Infinity'.

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