12 Hottest Actresses You Will Never See Naked In Movies
Monday, Aug 24, 2020, 7:27 am
Tony Williams
Nudity is a major ingredient of a film, without which a movie just looks like a Mexican dinner without beans! It's incomplete. Many of our favorite celebrities like Halle Berry, Salma Hayek, and Kate Winslet don't mind showing off their nude bodies on the films, calling it art! We don't really care if it is art or not, but most of us certainly enjoy celebrity nudity on the screen. Many of us have a general misconception that all the Hollywood actors, particularly female stars, love stripping naked in movies. In reality, not all Hollywood women do that. They either use body doubles or rely on camera techniques to hide their modesty from showing up. The next 12 Hollywood actresses have made it clear they will not be posing naked for a movie.
#10 Isla Fisher
Has always said no to posing nude. You might think you have seen her nude but you haven't. She uses body doubles in nude scenes. She reckons she's a 'funny girl' and funny girls are not so funny once you have seen their nipples. Hm? Never thought of that?

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