15 Amazing Celebrity Houses That Are Worth Millions
Tuesday, Aug 18, 2020, 9:26 am
Tony Williams
Every human being on the planet loves to own a house. Most of us dream to build or buy a large mansion. If you are super-rich and make millions every year, what would you do? You will build that big dream house of yours, right? Since our celebrities are quite wealthy, they did exactly what we would have done if we were rich. The Hollywood celebrities own some of the most beautiful houses in the world. These celebrity houses are huge, with a lot of greenery around. Each house has dozens of bedrooms and bathrooms. Their garages can fit numerous cars! Their houses are so pricey that no ordinary person can afford them! Here are fifteen such amazing celebrity homes you may want to have a look at.
#8 50 Cent
Clearly 50 Cent is not bothered by any neighbors here as his house is situated in 17 acres and covers a huge 50,000 square feet of living space. As you would imagine it has everything you ever need in a home from a gym to a cinema, night club, and an atrium never mind all of those bedrooms and bathrooms for countless guests to stay in.


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