12 Celebrities Who Have Committed Murder
Thursday, Aug 27, 2020, 9:09 am
Tony Williams
Many of our celebrities have criminal past. They were arrested or sentenced in the past for breaking the law. However, most of those celebrities were not involved in serious crimes. Most celebrities usually get arrested for DUI or drug possession charges. A few of them have been accused of murder, though. Homicide is a heinous crime. The idea of killing another person itself scares the life out of many of us, but these 12 celebrities killed people despite having an elite status in the society. Understandably, most of the deaths were caused by drunk driving.
#6 Vince Neil
Motley Crue singer Vince Neil lost control of his car while driving down Redondo Beach. He crashed head on into an other car, killing his passenger Nicholas Dingley, a drummer for a Finnish band. Neil's blood alcohol level was more than double the legal limited. He was sentenced to five years probation with 30 days in jail and 200 hours of community service while paying the victims involved in the crash $2.6 million.

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