15 Celebrities Who Look Like Real Life Animals
Wednesday, Aug 26, 2020, 12:34 pm
At times, we see people whose faces remind us the faces of animals. Some features of their face make them look like an animal or a bird. We can see such people in the celebrity community too. Celebs are known for their good looks. Some celebs are better known for their weird looks, which include striking resemblance to animals and birds! Here are fifteen such celebrities who look like animals!
1.Michael Jackson - Black Snub-Nosed Monkey
Michael Jackson must have drawn inspiration for his new face from the Black snub-nosed monkey. Everything about this endangered primate screams, "I look like Michael Jackson." They both have pink lips, a random hair out of place and terrible nose issues. Black snub-nosed monkeys hide their noses when it rains, as to not get water in them. Jackson used to hide his nose under bandages to prevent it from falling off.
2.Mr. Bean - An Owl
Mr. Bean is one odd-looking man. Some have compared his looks to a mouse, but this photo makes him look just like an owl. Likeowls, Mr. Bean's eyes stick out like two hamsters at a gathering for guinea pigs. The high arch in his eyebrows gives him a startled look just like most owls tend to have.

3.George W. Bush - Chimp
This has always been former president George W. Bush's signature pose. His hairline, ear size & shape all resemble that of a chimp. The only thing that's different between these two, is Bush doesn't possess the same amount of intelligence as a chimp. Comparing such a smart and intelligent being to the likes of George W. Bush is pretty mean, but if the shoe fits; wear it.
4.Justin Bieber - Sloth
This sloth isn't a singer, but he's shoe-in for Justin Bieber. Both creatures have a charm about their eyes, as well as a subtle smile. On the other hand, it's amazing to see two things in this world with such a horrible haircut. The sloth gets a pass since it doesn't try to have a naturally bad hairstyle.
5.Miley Cyrus and a Cockatoo
Since cutting off her hair, Miley Cyrus looks like everything but a normal young woman. The singer's spikey hairstyle had the internet calling her a cockatoo for weeks. She looks like she stuck her finger in an electrical socket and just decided to leave the house as is. It's a sad day when a bird's 'hair' looks better than a human being's hair.
6.Nicki Minaj and the Flowerhorn Fish
Flowerhorn cichlids and their colorful presence give Nicki Minaj a run for her money. These fish are identified for their bright colors and characteristically-shaped heads, much like Nicki Minaj and her larger-than-life hairstyles and brightly colored clothing. Now if Nicki Minaj could just rap under water so the public can't hear her screeching, the world would be a better place.
Read More: Hottest Pics Of Nicki Minaj's Feet and Legs
7.John Travolta Looks Like This Dog
It looks like John Travolta has a doppelganger, but not a human one though! How close do you think this dog looks like John Travolta? There is enough resemblance between them that made this picture get featured in the topic!

8.Snoop Dogg and the Doberman Pinscher
Snoop Dogg lives up his former name through and through. The rapper looks exactly like a Doberman Pinscher. He was given the name 'Snoop' by his mother, who thought he looked the Peanuts character, Snoopy, as a child. Snoop has since changed his name to 'Snoop Lion.'
9.Sarah Jessica Parker Looks like a Horse
For years people have compared Sarah Jessica Parker's features to a horse. There's even a website (sarahjesssicaparkerlookslikeahorse.com) devoted to posting random comparison photos of the actress next to a horse. It could be her long neck and nose that leads people to see the similarities. Or it could be the mane of weave hair she's been known to sport.
10.Lady Gaga and the Chinese Crested Dog
Lady Gaga sweats up a storm when she performs. Unfortunately, her appearance in this photo makes her look like a Chinese Crested dog. They both need a good grooming and they both look sweaty and smelly. Fun Fact: a Chinese Crested dog named Sam won the Sonoma-Marin Fair World's Ugliest Dog Contest in Northern California for three consecutive years. Just like Gaga's new song "Applause," Sam is now dead.
11.Rihanna and the Alpaca
Rihanna has had more hairstyles in her 25-years of life than some people do in a lifetime. Though she doesn't normally look like an animal, this short hairdo certainly makes it seem that way. In this side-by-side photo, Rihanna looks like an alpaca, which is a domesticated class of South American camelid. Rihanna may sound like a goat when she sings, but she looks like a camelid here.
12.Samuel L. Jackson and Samuel L. Dogson
Meet Samuel L. Jackson and his doppelganger Samuel L. Dogson. This dog's photo went viral earlier this due to his uncanny resemblance to Jackson. The Kangol hat was photoshopped to drive the point home, but even without it, it's not hard to see the similarities between the two. If only Samuel L. Dogson knew how to act, then he'd be able to be Jackson's movie stand-in.
13.Donald Trump Looks Like Sloth
The 45th U.S. President Donald Trump looks so unique (weird?) that we don't often find his doppelgangers. He has an animal doppelganger though! Guess what? Donald Trump looks so much like a sloth!

14.Taylor Lautner Looks Like An Alpaca
Oh man, Taylor Lautner and the alpaca looks like they are twins! The resemblance between the two is uncanny. If there was an award for human-animal resemblance, we are sure Taylor Lautner would get it!

15.Kim Kardashian Looks Like A Killer Whale
One of the two in the picture is a killer whale! We guess you shouldn't take more than few seconds to spot the whale. We have two largest living beings in one picture, with one being a sea creature and the other is a land ani... err... human being!

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