15 Celebrities Who Look Like Real Life Animals
Wednesday, Aug 26, 2020, 12:34 pm
Tony Williams
At times, we see people whose faces remind us the faces of animals. Some features of their face make them look like an animal or a bird. We can see such people in the celebrity community too. Celebs are known for their good looks. Some celebs are better known for their weird looks, which include striking resemblance to animals and birds! Here are fifteen such celebrities who look like animals!
#5 Rihanna And The Alpaca
Rihanna has had more hairstyles in her 25-years of life than some people do in a lifetime. Though she doesn't normally look like an animal, this short hairdo certainly makes it seem that way. In this side-by-side photo, Rihanna looks like an alpaca, which is a domesticated class of South American camelid. Rihanna may sound like a goat when she sings, but she looks like a camelid here.

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