12 Celebrities Who Married Normal People
Friday, Aug 14, 2020, 7:32 am
How often do we see celebrities marrying an ordinary person? We don't see that happening frequently. A celebrity prefers another star or a rich person as a partner. Most of the times, celebs don't come in touch with ordinary people. Rich and affluent people always surround them. Some celebrities did marry ordinary people, though. What you are about to read now are the 12 love stories of such celebrities. These celebs brought people like waiters, workers, real estate consultants, and software engineers, etc. to their homes, as their love partners!
1.Vince And Kyla
Well known star Vince Vaughn married regular girl Kyla who is a realtor in Canada. Believe it or not, but he is actually very happy even though this picture makes him look a bit fed up to say the least.

2.Nick And Alice
Nicolas Cage is married to regular girl Alice. He met Alice when she was a waitress. Nicolas in one of the biggest names in Hollywood, but he decided that he loved this waitress.

3.Matt And Luciana
Mega star Matt Damon married bar tender Luciana. The couple have been happily married for years and recently renewed their vows to help strengthen the love that exists between them.

4.Julie And Scott
Julie Brown is an American actress and a notable TV personality. She is best known for playing important roles in the TV shows, Modern Family (2009 �" present), ED (2000 �" 2004) and Boston Legal (2005 �" 2008). She married Scott Phillips, a software engineer and a real estate investor. Scott is neither rich nor famous. The couple has been happily married since 2004. Julie Bowen and Scott Phillips have three sons, Oliver McLanahan Phillips, John, and Gustav. Oliver McLanahan was born in 2007. John and Gustav are twins, and they were born in 2009. Julie says her husband is a cool and calm person.

5.David And Zoe
David Schwimmer fell in love and married Zoe Buckman who is just a regular girl. Schwimmer formed part of the 'Friends' team in the popular soap that ran for years. You can imagine how he could have had his choice of women, but settled for his regular girl.

6.Patrick Dempsey And Jillian Fink
The Grey's Anatomy star Patrick Dempsey booked an appointment with Jillian Fink to have his hair cut. The two immediately got close to each other and started dating. They married 1999 and had three children together. Just for the curious audience, yes, she still cuts his hair.

7.Julia And Danny
Julia Roberts has been one of the highest paid stars in Hollywood for decades. She landed up with regular guy Danny Moder and they have been happily married ever since although does he not look a bit like a young Kevin Bacon?

8.Jerry Chooses His Lawyer
Seinfeld has always been a big name in Hollywood and one of the best paid stars. He chose Jessica Sklar, his lawyer, as his life time partner and at least he gets free legal advice.

9.Marcia Cross And Tom Mahoney
Marcia Cross fell in love with regular guy Tom Mahoney. Tom is a successful stockbroker, but as far as Hollywood goes he is an unknown, but the two of them are very happy and that is all that matters.

10.Cash And Jessica
sexy Jessica Alba can pick and choose in Hollywood with her huge fame and appeal. She chose camera man Cash Warren. Cash and Jess broke up for a time as he could not commit to her it appeared! (Wow!, some guys are clearly confused!). The couple reconciled and had children.

11.Jeff Fell For A Waitress
Jeff Bridges was quite the guy in Hollywood and yet fell in love with a waitress serving his table. The couple married soon after and are still happy today decades later.

12.Cynthia Nixon Chooses Real Love
Cynthia Nixon married her sweetheart Christine Marinoni. Cynthia was part of the very popular TV series 'sex and The City' when she met Christine at a gay rights convention.

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