12 Celebrities You Probably Don't Know Are Vegans
Saturday, Aug 22, 2020, 6:22 am
Tony Williams
Vegans don't eat meat. They stay away from dairy and every edible product that comes from animals kingdom. Many people confuse vegans with vegetarians. Vegetarians don't eat meat but consume dairy and other animal related products like honey. Vegetarianism is a choice. Veganism, on the other hand, is a philosophy. Unlike vegetarians, vegans isolate themselves from the other groups based on their food choices. Needless to say, many people find them annoying! Vegans are everywhere. They are in the celebrity community too. Check these 12 celebrity vegans and know how and why they chose to be so!
#3 Jessica Chastain
Jessica Chastain Is a diehard vegan. Her mother Jerri was a vegan chef, so the actress more than likely learned what she knows from her. During an interview, Chastain spoke openly about her decision to become a vegan. She said, "I don't want to torture anything. It's about trying to live a life where I'm not contributing to the cruelty in the world. While I am on this planet, I want everyone I meet to know that I am grateful they are here."

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