12 Celebrities You Didn't Know Are Rape Victims
Wednesday, Aug 19, 2020, 8:22 am
Tony Williams
Rape is a horrible crime. Many countries are striving to regulate it. Although the United States is one the most educated countries in the world, the nation still witnesses approximately 200,000 rapes or sexual assaults a year. The problem is worse in the African countries. According to South African police, a woman is raped every 36 seconds. Many people think that rape is a sexual assault carried out by a stranger. This assumption is, in fact, incorrect. Crime statistics show that the majority of the rape victims were abused by someone they already knew. Unfortunately, some of our celebrities are rape survivors too. Read the stories of the 12 celebrities (male and female) who were sexually assaulted during their younger years.
#12 Fiona Apple
Fiona was raped when she was 12 years old and one of the scariest parts is that it happened outside her family home. She must have still felt extremely safe where she was until a guy decided to change all of that by attacking her and raping her.


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