12 Famous Violinists Around The World
Sunday, Aug 23, 2020, 7:41 am
The musical instrument violin has a history of five centuries. In the olden days, the violin music was considered diabolical. In fact, a violin is often referred to as devil's instrument! Today, the violin is one of the top musical instruments widely used in music production. However, the violin players are not as idolized as the other music instrument players like guitarists or drummers. Throughout the modern history, the world has witnessed some finest violin players who have produced soul-melting music with nothing but the four strings and a bow! Find out who those 12 famous violin players in the world are.
1.Arthur Grumiaux
The top right corner uses the word legendary and that is very fair when it comes to Arthur Grumiaux. His music has the ability to just take you away to a different place and forget all of your worries as you listen to his immaculate playing that truly is astonishing.

2.Gil Shaham
Gil is a bit of a character and he is certainly not how you would imagine a violinist to be as they are always imagined to be quite stern and formal. Instead, he is far more relaxed both in his character and how he dresses, but ultimately boy can he play that violin.

3.Sarah Chang
The thing that will amaze you about Sarah is the ease with which she can play even the hardest, fastest pieces of music. It is just stunning to see her in full flow because you just wonder how it is even possible to do some of the things she does with such a small and delicate instrument.

4.Janine Jansen
It is fair to say that she does not look like your normal violinist, but in actual fact Janine has to be one of the best out there at this moment in time. You need to look past the glamour and instead focus on her playing ability because it really is second to none.

5.Maxim Vengerov
When we need to talk about famous modern violinists, Maxim Vengerov will always have his name listed on the top. There were countless great classical violin players in the past, but when you want to hear a modern violist, you must check his work on YouTube. The Russian-Israeli music wizard is known for playing heartwarming melodies. Maxim has been trying a lot to encourage new violinists by conducting international music competitions. He has been a music professor at the prestigious Royal Academy of Music since 2005. Maxim Vengerov is the first ever classical musician to be appointed International Goodwill Ambassador by UNICEF.

6.Nathan Milstein
Nathan was surprisingly elegant when it came to playing the violin and he was an expert at getting the correct tone at all times. He could easily switch from being full of energy to those delicate touches that can make all the difference to a piece of music.

7.Isaac Stern
Isaac Stern had the habit of playing the violin with power and energy and it was actually quite surprising to see a guy of this size playing something that is often so delicate. However, his ability to change tempo and tone was second to none and he deserves to be seen as one of the greatest violinists ever.

8.Yehudi Menuhin
In the last 50 years or so this is the guy that is probably the most famous violinist around the world. He was really helped by the likes of television and news channels appearing because it did give him some more exposure when he was appearing anywhere, but of course the fact he was so good also helps.

9.Fritz Kreisler
Fritz may have died a long time ago, but for students that are learning how to play the violin it is still important to listen to his music in order to understand just how nice it can all sound. He really was one of the greats when it comes to this musical instrument and you need to listen to him to understand why that is the case.

10.David Oistrakh
OK so David would probably not make it as a top violinist today, but that is simply because of his personality and the fact that he really is old school. This is all about the white bow tie and the long tail suit, but it is his musical ability that stands out above everything else.

11.Itzhak Perlman
If you like your violinist to be full of energy, then this is the guy for you. By just looking at him you can see that he is putting his heart and soul into the performance and that is reflected in the quality of his music. He really is a maestro.

12.Jascha Heifetz
Jascha is undoubtedly one of the greatest violinists of all time and you can understand why the very first time you hear him play. He has this ability to make the most complex pieces of music sound so easy to play as his style is so relaxed that you forget he is playing the most difficult pieces out there.

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