12 Gay Male Celebs Who Were Once Married To Women
Monday, Aug 31, 2020, 7:27 am
Tony Williams
These 12 male celebrities have come out as gay, but when they were living a "closeted" life, they didn't mind marrying a woman! Unsurprisingly, all these stars belong to the older generation. Some of the celebs confessed they were always gay, but they had to marry a woman just to pass as straight men in the society. The others indeed fell in love with the ladies and married them. However, the stars later dumped their female wives after they came out of the closet! Read the 12 exciting stories of gay male celebs who were once married to women.
#3 Vincente Minnelli
This is the father of Liza Minnelli and he was married to several women before he ended up revealing himself to be gay. One of his marriages was to Judy Garland and it was not until later on in his life that he was happy to be gay.

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