15 Bizarre Lil Wayne's Tattoos And Their Meanings
Monday, Aug 17, 2020, 6:18 am
Mike Litzler
Most celebrities love tattoos. They have some really beautiful and amazing tattoos inked on their bodies. The celebrity singers usually have more tattoos than the actors or actresses in the Hollywood. It is understandable that people who act in movies or TV shows can't really have tattoos like the rappers. When we talk about rappers who have tattoos, we need to talk about Lil Wayne. If you ever saw a shirtless picture of Lil Wayne, you would see nothing but tattoos on his body. We doubt even Lil Wayne knows how many tattoos are there on his body! Here are fifteen Lil Wayne Tattoos and their meanings.
#3 I Am Music Just Above His Right Eye
Amidst all the other louder angrier tattoos scattered about his body, it's easy to miss one of his more subtle statements. With three very simple words he reminds us of his real purpose in life: to entertain.


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