Man Photoshops Himself With Famous Celebrities
Tuesday, Aug 25, 2020, 10:12 am
Photoshop is a great tool, It can transform your photos into unbelievable masterpieces. It doesn't matter whether you are ugly, fat, short or have wrinkles and acne on your face. With few mins all your troubles can be removed; Well, Atleast from your photos. Although, Photoshop is a great tool, It's not a lame man's job to create those perfect photos. Many people try to grab their hand on photoshop but end up creating huge photoshop fails. But this guy who has an emense skill in editing celebrity photos only to add himslef in their photos is near to perfection, Some of his photoshop edits are even hard to tell they are edited. Here are 24 Photos of Peeje phtoshopping himself into celebrity photos.
13.Big hugs
This photoshop attempt is actually very difficult to do when you consider there is not a lot of space to work with. However, the best part is the way in which he has managed to get it to look as if LeBron really is giving him a huge hug.
14.Peeking over your shoulder
No wonder Halle Berry has a slightly strange look on her face with this guy leering over her shoulder. She looks a bit tense in all honesty, but then you would do in this kind of situation.
15.The butt of all jokes
Ahh so now her secret is out and Kim does not actually have a butt like that. Instead, it has to be carried there like an extra, but what a nice job that is to have.
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