15 Celebrities Who Were Caught Drunk
Saturday, Aug 29, 2020, 4:14 pm
Life of celebs is filled with booze and drugs. One day it's a birthday party, the next day it's a movie success party and third day it's an award function and the list goes on. Living a celebrity life requires alot of control on yourself if you are trying to quit a bad habit like Alcohol. Here are 14 photos of celebs being drunk.
13.Posh Drunk
It seems that even when Victoria Beckham is drunk she doesn't smile. She just looks even more pissed than ever.

14.Miley Cyrus
Being drunk at parties isn't surprising for Miley Cyrus. The singer has been in news for her trashy behavior for years now after leaving the popular Disney show "Hannah Montana". According to her it's her way of living life and no one is allowed to interfere with it. The Musician is always surrounded by paparazzi because of her behavior and huge fan following. Here she is drunk and out of control at a party. Let's hope she realizes what she is doing with her life.

15.Emma Watson
As with any celebrity, Emma Watson is no exception to getting drunk, Although compared to celebrities of her age she is found less drunk and passed out at parties. She is a responsible drinker. But no one can hide from paparazzis these days, They are everywhere, from friends to fans. Here is an image of Emma Watson being drunk if you never saw her drunk.

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