15 Reasons Why Emma Watson Is The Perfect Beauty With Brain Girl
Wednesday, Aug 19, 2020, 4:53 pm
By:James Fraser
When we first saw Emma Watson in 'Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone' movie, she was just a cute little girl with excellent acting skills. Back then, we have no idea whatsoever that she would grow up just like her character, "Hermione Granger" intelligent, bossy and realistic. She is now an actress, model, designer, feminist, environmentalist, human rights activist, and a board certified yoga teacher! Read these fifteen reasons why she is a real beauty with brains, and why she is the true role model for all aspiring females out there.
10.She is Working to Promote 'Sustainable Fashion.'
While the majority of the Hollywood celebrity women spend most of their time flaunting their pricey wardrobes, Emma Watson has been quietly working from past few years to promote ethically made clothes and accessories using renewable and sustainable resources. She traveled to Bangladesh to meet people and see how clothes are made.

11.Emma Watson is a Certified Yoga Instructor
Yes, she mastered the art of Yoga. In an interview given to ELLE Australia, she told she is a board-two certified yoga instructor. She said she always loves to have many things on her resume that are completely unrelated to the film industry.

12.You Don't See Her in News for Wrong Reasons
She is one of the very few celebrities whom you don't find featuring in news headlines for wrong reasons. Emma Watson should be a role model for anyone who wants to have a successful career in acting or modeling, without needing to compromise on ethics and morals.

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