23 Sexiest Celebrity Legs And Feet
Wednesday, Aug 26, 2020, 10:40 am
James Fraser
Feet fetish is a common fetish among many people around the world; especially if it's celebrity feet and legs. We know some of you are going to secretly appreciate us for our effort! This list is only for people who have deep interest in feet, legs, and toes. Here are some of the sexiest celebrity feet out there.
#22 Emma Watson's Legs And Feet
Emma Watson's feet were rated as the best of all the celebrity feet by foot-fetishists all over the world. You got to be into this foot fetish thing to be able to tell whether someone's feet are sexy or ugly!

Emma Watson is one of the most famous and beautiful actresses in the world. She has millions of fans around the globe. She looks perfect in every aspect, and one can't point out too many flaws in her body, attitude or thought process! Her feet are perfect too! According to the foot fetishists, Emma Watson has the most beautiful feet in the world!
She really has nice curvy feet with long toes. Her feet look healthy, and well-maintained. She wears a size seven shoe, and the Harry Potter star is very picky when it comes to choosing footwear. Do you think Emma Watson has beautiful feet?

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