15 Fantastic Three Dimensional Tattoos That Will Blow Your Mind
Friday, Aug 21, 2020, 6:23 am
Today, the tattoo art technology has advanced to a level that a tattoo artist can create three-dimensional and photo-realistic artworks on their clients' bodies. The three-dimensional or 3D tattoos have an extra dimension that makes them look implausibly real. The third dimension is called depth, and the tattoo artists achieve it by strategically drawing details like shadows. Although 3D tattoos are very popular, many body art enthusiasts stay away from them because of the high costs involved. Here are 15 amazing photos of 3D tattoos that pleasure your eyes.
1.Face 3D Tattoo
This is another tattoo that is more like a work of art rather than anything else and you just feel that it only works because the guy does have quite a broad back. The tattoo artist must have been proud of themselves when they saw the finished article because there is so much going on here, but the entire thing is just pulled together perfectly resulting in an amazing tattoo.

2.Robot 3D Tattoo
The best part about this tattoo is that it does make you believe that we are all going to look like that inside our body and the reason why it works so well is due to the way in which the skin has been tattooed to make it appear as if it has been torn to shreds. This is a seriously cool tattoo and one you would be proud of owning.

3.Ledge Man 3D Tattoo
There is a good chance that you will never see another tattoo like this in your entire life. It is even difficult to know where to start with it because there is so much going on in this scene that you find your eyes dart all over, but you feel as if you are looking at a photograph rather than an actual tattoo. This must have cost a fortune to have done.

4.Gorilla 3D Tattoo
A gorilla may not be the first kind of image you would think of for a tattoo, but it just makes you feel as if a real gorilla is indeed looking back at you in this photograph. Once again it is all about the detail that has gone into it and you can be forgiven for thinking that it is breathing and everything.

5.Spine 3D Tattoo
The amount of work that has gone into this tattoo is unreal because the detail that is included really is second to none. The entire back just looks as if it is part of the image and the artist that did this has to be super talented in order to pull it off. You wonder how many hours this took to get it just right, but the end effect really is breathtaking.

6.Spider 3D Tattoo
Getting a spider is something that is more popular than you think and it makes it even creepier when it is done in 3D, so if you hate spiders in general, then this is not going to be the tattoo for you. It is so easy to think about it crawling over her neck here due to the way that the legs have been done, but overall it is a cool tattoo even if it is a bit creepy.

7.Tattoo Gun 3D Tattoo
This entire tattoo is so good since it shows the tattoo gun in a garter belt like some artistic cowboy or gun fighter. The detail is amazing and the way in which it does appear to be stuck inside that lace really does lead to the eyes being tricked and that is all you want with a 3D tattoo.

8.Leaf 3D Tattoo
If you are looking for quite a simple tattoo, then surely something such as this 3D leaf is something that you would give some serious consideration to? The detail that has gone into it is very good indeed and when you look at the way it appears to lift off the skin it is clear that a lot of time has been put into it being done resulting in something that is quite cool to look at.

9.Words 3D Tattoo
Having text on you is popular, but this approach is different in that the design makes it appear as if the words are actually inside the body. This is very clever and a number of people now have this kind of tattoo, but when you see how cool it looks you can understand why they put themselves through this type of pain in the first place.

10.Butterfly 3D Tattoo
When it comes to a 3D tattoo, then the butterfly is a very common and indeed popular image to have done and this example helps to show why this is indeed the case. It is easy for a talented artist to make it appear as if they are lifting off the skin and with so many design options available this type of tattoo will always remain popular.

11.Watch 3D Tattoo
How cool is this watch tattoo? The work that has gone into it is outstanding because even the individual links of the chain are done to such a high standard that it feels as if it has just been laid on their arm rather than tattooed. It is certainly a different image to have, but in a way it does work, unlike the watch of course.

12.Black Lace 3D Tattoo
At first glance it is difficult to even see that this is a tattoo in this image as the detail and the way that the shadows have been done really does make it stand out. This may not be the first design that you would think of getting, but it is exceptionally well done by what has to be a very talented artist.

13.3D Butterfly Tattoo
Just in case if you think a three-dimensional tattoo has to be big to look good, check this 3D butterfly tattoo. The tattoo is small, but it looks very, very, impressive. It seems as if a real butterfly is sitting on that girl's shoulder. The shadow of the butterfly is what makes the tattoo look real and 3D-ish. This is perhaps the best example of a simple 3D tattoo that doesn't burn a hole in your pocket. The skin rash around the tattoo suggests that the girl took the picture right after getting the tattoo. Did you know about popular prison tattoos and their meaning?

14.3D Watch Tattoo
Isn't this really a creative idea? The tattoo does look like a real watch! The 3D tattoo permanently eliminates the need to wear a watch daily, hey, wait a minuteā¦ you can't check time in this virtual watch! What if someone comes to you asking for time?! Jokes aside, we must appreciate the tattoo artist for this marvelous piece of body art, though. The details are so beautiful and vivid that we would all mistake the tat for a real watch. The artist might have spent hours to make this tattoo so realistic. Did you know Angelina Jolie is a tattoo freak?

15.3D Leg Tattoo
This 3D leg tattoo is probably the best and the most unique tattoo we have seen so far on this list. The body art just shows the power of a 3D tattoo. It has made the leg look like a wooden prosthetic leg, giving us an impression that there's nothing inside the girl's leg. The tattoo looks fascinating and freaky, both at the same time. Oh boy, the tattoo artist has got some excellent inking skills! Remember, not all of them are good at handling 3D tats. Hence, never go to a rookie if you are planning to get a cool 3D tattoo. Did you know how many tattoos Lil Wayne has and their meaning?

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