12 Funniest Rollercoaster Pictures
Friday, Aug 28, 2020, 10:10 am
A rollercoaster ride is fun. However, if you are afraid of heights, the ride does feel like a short trip to hell. Most rollercoasters located in the main cities have digital cameras installed, and they neatly capture the reactions of people mid-air. Those reactions are hilarious! While the riders with weaker hearts always put a "derp" face, the brave ones try to flash a lovely smile or a cool expression. Some people even stage their rollercoaster photos with creative ideas. See 12 of the most interesting and funniest rollercoaster pictures found on the internet!
1.Austin Powers
It looks like this person is imitating Austin Powers, or a geek, we can't be sure, but one thing we are sure of is that they knew the camera was watching. It takes a lot of forethought to bring props with you on the ride, and to remember to pose for the camera, when all you want to do is scream.
2.Hair Standing On End
This picture is priceless. The little boy is holding on for his life while his mother holds his hand, but it's his face and hair that make this photo so adorably cute, and crazy. This is one shot this little boy will remember for life, and we are pretty sure he wasn't posting for a camera shot.

3.Taking A Call
A few people on this coaster knew when to ham it up for the camera. The guy in the red shirt with his fingers in his mouth, looking frightened, and the guy in the front giving the camera a peace sign. However, we have to wonder if the guy on the phone really did get a call, or if it was all for the camera.

4.Morning Routine
Another premeditated pose as this family appears to be doing their morning routine on the rollercoaster. One man is brushing his teeth, while the young man next to him shaves. The woman is applying make up and the little girl is doing her hair. A fun way to capture a great shot, instead of screaming and making painful faces. They must have done this before.

These guys knew ahead of time what they were going to do when the camera snapped its shot. Taking their own props in line with the name of the ride, Raging Bull, these guys donned boxing gloves and started their match right when the camera was on them. A great shot they will remember for a lifetime. Not sure what the guy in the middle is doing, but the guy on the end figured he capture the shot, in case the professional camera missed it.

This photo capture is one of the best. All four of these riders knew when the camera would shoot and feigned boredom, while their stomachs were probably in their mouths and they really just wanted to scream. Not for the faint for heart, and a trick reserved for avid roller coaster riders

Knowing the cameras are watching, this male couple decided to capture their love on camera. You have to keep your wits about you when doing a stunt like this, because your natural inclination is to scream and hold on, like the girl behind them. Maybe they took this ride one too many times.
8.No Hands
Everyone else looks scared on this thrill ride, but look at the girl in the second row. She is more than scared, she looks like a victim in a horror movie right before the killer is about to slash her with a knife. The blood curdling screams coming out of her must have matched the face.
9.Pure Terror
Holding on for dear life, this little boy looks really scared. His father, not so much. In fact, he can't see the look of terror on his little boy's face, so he is having the time of his life, shouting "look, no hands!" The question is, why is this little boy alone in his seat?

10.Eating A Sandwich
Taking full advantage of knowing there is a camera watching, these jokesters decided to bring lunch. So while everyone else is making weird faces, and holding on for dear life, this couple is eating a sandwich and reading a greeting card. The act of taking a great picture must outweigh the stomach dropping feeling of the coaster.

It doesn't look like this young woman is enjoying the ride much. She must have been coerced into taking the plunge with her boyfriend. Now it's his job to coddle her the entire way down. Although, he doesn't look too happy with the ride, and neither do some other riders.
12.Playing Cards
By now amusement park patrons know the drill. They are aware that there is a camera at a certain point on a rollercoaster ride, taking a snapshot of you as you plummet down the tracks. These patrons make it their mission to take a funny picture, as shown with these people, playing cards.
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