12 Funniest Rollercoaster Pictures
Friday, Aug 28, 2020, 10:10 am
Tony Williams
A rollercoaster ride is fun. However, if you are afraid of heights, the ride does feel like a short trip to hell. Most rollercoasters located in the main cities have digital cameras installed, and they neatly capture the reactions of people mid-air. Those reactions are hilarious! While the riders with weaker hearts always put a "derp" face, the brave ones try to flash a lovely smile or a cool expression. Some people even stage their rollercoaster photos with creative ideas. See 12 of the most interesting and funniest rollercoaster pictures found on the internet!
#10 Taking A Call
A few people on this coaster knew when to ham it up for the camera. The guy in the red shirt with his fingers in his mouth, looking frightened, and the guy in the front giving the camera a peace sign. However, we have to wonder if the guy on the phone really did get a call, or if it was all for the camera.


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