15 Annoying Things People Do At Gym
Saturday, Aug 15, 2020, 6:26 pm
By:James Fraser
Where there are people, there is mess. Gyms or fitness centers are no exception. If you go to gym regularly, you will understand the pain! We bet more than half of the people who hit gym regularly doesn’t know what gym etiquette is. They do all sorts of things knowingly unknowingly, which only irritates other people around. Here are 15 annoying things people usually do at gyms.
13.Gym is Our Playground
Some people think gym is their playground, and do all sorts of crazy things that trouble themselves or others around them. For them, gym is a playground, research lab, stunts zone and many more! Looks how this guy got owned to one of those stupid stunts.


14.Flooding Gym with Sweat
Most people who work out in gyms usually sweat. This is something that’s related to human body, and no one can do much about it. However, people who sweat a little more need to make sure they have a towel to wipe out.

15.Body Odor
Unfortunately, you can’t escape from people’s body odor in gyms, especially in those crowded gyms. The rule book wants everyone to come to gym only after a bath, or at least put a deodorant. Some people believe in ‘being natural’, and don’t bother using a deodorant. This is one awkward situation where neither you can complain, nor compromise.

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