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15 Hilarious Differences Between Mom And Dad

Thursday, Aug 20, 2020, 10:39 pm

We all know the epic differences between mom and dad when it comes to parenting. Kids find their dad cool. However, moms around the world complain that men are not evolved enough to take care of their children! Though both moms and dads love their children equally, fathers tend to stay calm and balanced, while moms find it difficult to control their emotions, be it love, anger or frustration. Here are fifteen hilarious differences between mom and dad.
10.Cosplay - Mom vs. Dad

Guess which costume gets all the praises? Of course, Hannibal Lecter's! 

Cosplay - Mom vs. Dad-15 Hilarious Differences Between Mom And Dad

11.Shopping Time - Mom vs. Dad

Check out another picture that shows the hilarious difference between a mom and dad.

Shopping Time - Mom vs. Dad-15 Hilarious Differences Between Mom And Dad

12.Bath Time - Mom vs. Dad

Bath time with dad is always adventurous for the kids. They get a break from regular bath time. They get to do lots of fun stuff when dad around.

Bath Time - Mom vs. Dad-15 Hilarious Differences Between Mom And Dad

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