15 Images That Show Strong Difference Between Instagram And Reality
Sunday, Aug 30, 2020, 5:43 pm
By:James Fraser
Everything in Instagram looks cute, right? 'Photo effects' are not new to us. Instagram has taken photo effects to a new level. Clear photos are now almost extinct! Most of us love editing or morphing photos one or the other way to make them look beautiful. Instagram photos are highly attractive. In fact they even make us believe in thinking something's cute, even though if it's not cute in real life.
People, food, landscapes and everything you see on Instagram may not look great when you see them in real life! Here are fifteen images that show strong difference between Instagram and reality!
1.Sunbathing: Expectation vs. Reality
You could see thousands of sunbathing photos on Instagram. Sunbathing is great time to take some really cool photos, given the fact people mostly do it in attractive and scenic places. Instagram sunbathing photos are enticing! However, if you think they are real and if you try to sunbath in reality, the result will be something like you see that of in second image!

2.Partying: Expectations vs. Reality
The first image here reminds you the pictures of girls in your social networking account. Most girls post pictures like these on their social networking profiles, mostly on weekends. Most of the partying pictures of girls you see are a lie! The second picture tells you the real story! Real partying is something the girls in the second image are doing!

3.Coffee: Expectations vs. Reality
The first picture looks amazing! It looks so because it's an Instagram photo. Well, how someone really looks when they drink coffee? The second picture will give you the answer! Photos taken exactly at the time you are eating food or drinking something look funny most of the times.

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