15 Images That Show Strong Difference Between Instagram And Reality
Sunday, Aug 30, 2020, 5:43 pm
By:James Fraser
Everything in Instagram looks cute, right? 'Photo effects' are not new to us. Instagram has taken photo effects to a new level. Clear photos are now almost extinct! Most of us love editing or morphing photos one or the other way to make them look beautiful. Instagram photos are highly attractive. In fact they even make us believe in thinking something's cute, even though if it's not cute in real life.
People, food, landscapes and everything you see on Instagram may not look great when you see them in real life! Here are fifteen images that show strong difference between Instagram and reality!
10.Beaches: Expectations vs. Reality
If you plan to visit a place after you see a picture of it on Instagram, we request you to double check the details of the place before going there! In the first picture here, the beach looks absolutely great, and we can't really stop our mind asking us to visit the place. However, when you really go there, you will be surprised! The second image tells the story!

11.Drinks: Expectations vs. Reality
As we told earlier, pictures of food and drink look too good on Instagram. However, we shouldn't forget one fact! Food or drink should appeal to taste buds more than eyes! The picture of cocktails or other drinks you see on Instagram may completely look different outside! The second image isn't really appealing to our eyes, and let's hopes the guy who bought it finds it tasty.

12.Girls: Expectations vs. Reality
You all are aware of those 'good morning' and 'good night' pictures of ladies who post them on their social networking sites. Those images look something like the first image we have shown here. Do you really think women wear lipstick, use mascara, or wear contact lens before they sleep? No way! A real picture of a woman at home looks something like you see in the second picture.

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