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15 Servers Reveal The Craziest Things That Happened In Restaurants

Wednesday, Aug 26, 2020, 11:38 pm

There are two kinds of professions in this world. One requires people to sit at the same place and constantly do the same work over a period of time. The other needs people to interact directly with customers, move around, and do some physical work. People who work in the food industry fall in the second category. They have to deal with crazy customers on a frequent basis. We have fifteen restaurant servers here who shared some craziest things happened in their restaurants.
13.Fight Between the Restaurant Employees

Fights can happen in any establishment or any restaurant, but it's usually the customers who start the fight, not the other way.

Fight Between the Restaurant Employees-15 Servers Reveal The Craziest Things That Happened In Restaurants

14.This Crazy Customer

You meet some crazy customers when you are in food or retail industry, That's why no one wants to work in these industries.

This Crazy Customer-15 Servers Reveal The Craziest Things That Happened In Restaurants

15.This stupid customer

As told previously, Customers can be really crazy and nasty, You have to be tough and fight back if they are out of line.

This stupid customer-15 Servers Reveal The Craziest Things That Happened In Restaurants

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