15 Times Employees Got Fired By Their Boss
Tuesday, Aug 25, 2020, 9:35 pm
By:James Fraser
Most people on this planet hate their jobs, except for a few lucky souls. Never rant about your boss, job or workplace, even when you hate it, unless you want to get fired. Here are fifteen dumb employees who got fired by their bosses for ranting or not being productive at work.
1.Don’t Have Your Boss as a Facebook Friend
Bosses are cool, but never add them as your personal friends in social networking sites like Facebook. Look how this man who completely forgot that he had his boss in his friend’s list, and went on posting a silly message right from the office.


2.Someone Who is Employed to Cook is Actually Learning to Cook
Let us show you how this novice cook got busted by his boss for posting an image on Facebook that reads “Finally learned to cook tonight. Hope the customers enjoyed!” Unless someone is completely dumb like the guy in this image, no one posts such things on Facebook, especially when the boss is in his friend’s list.


3.Pretending to Work
Most people pretend to work, but only a few want to brag about it. See how this completely immature employee is bragging that he is listening to music in the office, pretending to do some work. You are fired, son! Never post silly things on Facebook next time.


4.Easiest Way to Get Fired
Calling the boss a wanker, and posting the same on Facebook while having him in your friend’s list, is one of the easiest and most instant ways to get fired. The boss looks to be in no mood for any other discussions.


5.F*ck this Job
Employee: F*ck this job.
Job: No, I will f*ck you.
Employee: What?
Job: You are fired!
Moral: Stick to rule No. 1, and never post nasty stuff about work on Facebook.

6.This Taco Licker at Taco Bell
This Taco Bell worker got instantly fired after a colleague posted a pic of him licking tacos. People will not have a problem as long as things like these were not exposed. So, not just the status messages, be careful with the images you are posting online. Of course it is best not to go on like this in the first place.


7.Outed by Boss’s Son
This employee has given his boss a lame excuse that his clock is running one hour ahead. He is bragging about the same thing on Facebook. It looks like he forgot he had his boss’s son in his Facebook friend’s list! Bosses aren’t as lame as this guy thinks. At rare times, bosses will accept your lame excuses because they have more important things to deal with.


8.When Driver Turns Boss’s Car into a Race Car
This guy is happy to show off how much time he has spent riding his boss’s car, but forgot the fact that odometer has a ‘max speed’ display block. Boss is all set to fire him.


9.Owned by a Polite Boss
Instead of losing cool over his employee remarks, this boss acted like a true gentleman, and got this employee fired in style. Why would anyone post such a status while having a boss in his friend’s list?


10.1 Photo, 2 Lettuce Bins, 3 Fired Employees
This badass Burger King employee was fired along with 2 of his colleagues for posting a pic of him standing on two lettuce bins. The three employees were outed by 4chan readers, who tracked down the location of Burger King using photo’s geo data.


11.We are Watching You
Look how this bored employee was fired by his manager seconds after he posted a lame Facebook status update. Never ever post on Facebook during work hours, especially when you have your boss, manager or colleagues in your Facebook account.


12.Status Message Got Him fired
Be careful with what you are posting online, or otherwise they will kill all the stories you tell at the office regarding your leave. Watch this man arguing with his boss over his leave, while the boss came up with a screenshot from his social media status update to bust his lies.status mess


13.Boss is Watching
The same old thing! Never post random stuff like this on Facebook, or you will get fired by your boss. At times, when your boss gets to see some random stuff in your Facebook during work hours, even the most sincere apologies won’t work.

14.Never Plan Your Parties from the Office
Never openly plan your parties on Facebook, or else you will end up getting fired by your boss just like this guy. Roam around, sleep or do something else in the office, but never post stuff on Facebook.


15.Girl fired by Boss for being a greedy waitress
Watch this dumb waitress acting like a true moron, ranting about people not tipping her well. This loud-mouth immediately got fired by her boss. Forget about tips, how will she even get a salary now?


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