15 Times Unfortunate Reflections Ruined Everything
Friday, Aug 14, 2020, 5:44 pm
By:James Fraser
What makes a good photo? There are many things that make a good photo like scene composition, facial expressions such as smile, and many more -minus- unwanted objects or reflections. More than anything, mirrors placed at a wrong place ruin photos. Such photos not only look ugly but also very funny. Here are fifteen images that show why you need to double check your surrounding especially for a mirror, before taking a picture.
10.You Forgot to Wear Your Pants, Sir!
This guy in the picture took a perfect selfie to post in his social networking profiles. This picture looks good, and the girls may even find him cute, until we figure out that this man wasn't wearing pants when he took that picture. Oh yes, there's that little mirror in the back that made him look like a complete idiot! This is another hilarious selfie fail.

11.Guy in the Back, Checking Her Back
This is totally funny! If there was no mirror, you can't even guess what that guy in the back was doing. As you can see in the mirror, he was checking her out. He's not even aware that there was a mirror right on his head and it could catch him in the middle of the act. The reaction of that man would be priceless when the girl comes back to his sunglasses store with that picture!

12.This Time Shades
Why people wear shades inside, in a room? Some people may think they look cool with shades. Here's a girl who was trying to look cool with her shades in her room, watching porn! Well, what possibly went wrong? You can see that in her eyes! It was too late, young lady! The whole internet has now seen what you were doing on that day.

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