12 Hilarious Chuck Norris Memes Ever
Thursday, Aug 27, 2020, 11:12 am
Tony Williams
Chuck Norris memes are among the funniest memes one can find on the internet. The memes are based on Chuck Norris jokes that go by the name 'Chuck Norris Facts'. Chuck Norris jokes are a kind of satirical and hyperbolic facts that talk about his masculinity, strength, toughness and virility. Well, everyone on the planet knows Chuck Norris jokes! Do you think we exaggerated here? Well, yes, may be! Anyway, that's how Chuck Norris jokes are – exaggerated yet funny!
Chuck Norris jokes began appearing on the internet in 2005. The jokes originally belong to Vin Diesel, with respect to his film The Pacifier. A few people at Something Awful forums created and circulated Vin Diesel jokes. The Vin Diesel jokes started to bore people, so they chose Chuck Norris over Vin Diesel.
Today, most people who use the internet know about Chuck Norris memes and jokes. The Chuck Norris internet phenomenon is so strong that his jokes are translated to other languages as well. Check these twelve best Chuck Norris memes that we think will make you laugh!
#11 Sex With Chuck Norris
It's obvious that a thrill-seeking woman wants to have sex with Chuck Norris, but it is always an awful idea! Chuck Norris is amazing at everything. Obviously, he may be amazing at sex too, although we don't have too many women to confirm it. This funny meme shows the sexual potency of Chuck Norris!
Sometimes to get a little pleasure, you have to experience a little pain. Or in this case, you have to experience a lot of pain. This hilarious meme shows a girl in almost a full body cast due to a rough rendezvous with Chuck Norris. Women who have a crush on Chuck Norris need to be very cautious!

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