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15 Best Joker Drawings That Give You Nightmares

Thursday, Aug 27, 2020, 9:56 am

Joker is one of the most badass fictional villains known to the humankind! He is sadomasochistic. Unlike the other super villains in DC Universe, Joker has an inimitable villainous personality. His inclination towards crime and terror is driven mostly by his narcissistic and vindictive nature. Joker's wicked sense of humor has made him so famous that he has fans too! The Joker character first appeared in 1940 DC Comics books. No one knows the real name of Joker, although people speculate it to be Jack Napier. DC Comics has recently announced that it would reveal Joker's name and his story very soon. Meanwhile, see these 15 Joker drawings that incite fear instantly!

#12 Mobile Joker

This cool drawing is the result of somebody using an app on their phone while having quite a lot of spare time on their hands. The drawing itself is so, so good and they are clearly very talented as they have even managed to capture some of the evilness in his eyes even though they were clearly limited in what they could achieve by drawing in this manner.

Mobile Joker-15 Best Joker Drawings That Give You Nightmares



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