15 Images That Show Striking Difference Between Single And Married Life
Friday, Aug 28, 2020, 4:15 pm
By:James Fraser
Marriage is like a trip to Jurassic Park. It looks like heaven and excites you at the beginning, but you only realize that it is a mess when giant dinosaurs start chasing you down! Some say marriage should be the ultimate destination of every relationship, and the others think tying the knot is one of the terrible things in life a person could ever do. Let people think what the heck they want to, and let us quickly look at the 15 pictures that show the striking difference between single and married life. Disclaimer: Don't blame us if your fiancé or fiancée decides to stay single after reading the topic!
13.Grooming Isn't Your Thing Anymore
Men or women, who are married or in a relationship for longer time, tend to think its absolutely okay to stay 'natural' at home. Once you are married, you hardly care about grooming!

14.Bills Can be Frustratingly Long
If you think marriage is all about love, cuddling and sex, you are wrong. Marriage is a responsibility. It is the biggest responsibility you ever carry on your shoulders. You need to take care of partner and children. You are no longer a happy go lucky man! You can't be one, if you are married.

15.True Story
This one is perfectly true. Soaps and sugar are much better, as you may even have to buy sanitary napkins or tampons from local store! This is all part of marriage, and there's no escaping! If you truly love someone, you would be doing it anyway.

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