15 Tricky Riddles That Will Make You Scratch Your Head
Saturday, Aug 29, 2020, 5:37 pm
By:James Fraser
Hey, let's test and find out how sharp your brain is! This topic gives you an excellent opportunity to test yourself and see where you stand when it comes to solving problems. The following 15 tricky riddles need brains with sound logic to crack them. They sound like they are very tough to unravel, but in reality, they are not! Read each riddle, try to solve it, and scroll down for the answer only if you are unable to crack it. Count how many riddles you managed to solve. Don't forget to challenge your friends as well!
1.The Classic Riddle
Who makes it, has no need of it.
Who buys it, has no use for it.
Who uses it can neither see it nor feel it.
What is it?

Answer: A Coffin.
2.Guess the Word?
What is the one and only word that is spelled incorrectly in all the standard English dictionaries around the world?

Answer: Incorrectly
3.A Simple Math Test!
Which of the following weighs more?
1. A Pound of Bricks
2. A Pound of Iron
3. A Pound of Feathers
4. A Pound of Cotton

Answer: All weigh same
4.A Real Test for Your Brain's Logical Reasoning
Let's say there are five apples in a basket. You need to share those five apples equally to five kids, with one apple still staying in the basket. How can you do that?

Answer: It's simple! Share 4 apples to four kids. Give away the fifth apple along with the basket to the fifth kid.
5.This one is a little tough

Answer: Neither of them were lying. The doctors were his sisters.
6.Probably the Easiest of All the Riddles
There are 10 fishes in a tank. 2 of them drowned, 4 swim away and 3 Died. How many fishes are still left in the tank?

Answer: All the 10!
7.Try this Simple One
8.Or Try This Easiest One…
Why Can't You Take Picture of a North Korean Woman with a Hair Curler?

Answer: You can't take picture with a hair curler. You need a camera.
9.This Dirty Mind Riddle
10.Answer This Difficult One
A man wants to enter an exclusive club, but he doesn't know the password. Another man walks to the door and the doorman says 12, the man says 6, and is let in. Another man walks up and the doorman says 6, the man says 3, and is let in. Thinking he had heard enough, he walks up to the door and the doorman says 10, he says 5, and he isn't let in. What should he have said?

Answer: The other people were telling how many letters were in the number. TWELVE has six letters. SIX has three letters. The man should have said 3, because TEN has 3 numbers.
11.A Classic Yet Confusing Riddle! Try Answering This…
A murderer was sentenced to death. He had to choose between three death rooms. The first room was full of fire. Assassins with loaded guns were there in the second room. The third room was full of wild African male lions that hadn't eaten any food for two years. Which room was the safest?

Answer: Third room. It's because the lions were probably dead.
12.Guess game
Guess the Oddest Word from the Following Words
First, Second, Third, Forth, Fifth, Sixth Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh…

Answer: Forth. Wrong spelling
13.It's Time to Test Your Math Skill
John is four times as old as his daughter. In 20 years time, John shall be twice as old as her. How old are John and His Daughter now?

Answer: John is 40, and His Daughter is 10.
14.Try to Answer This Correctly
Timmy's mother has three children. The first was named April. The second was named May.
What is the third one's name?

Answer: Timmy.
15.This Should be Easy
What is that crime that is punishable only if it is attempted, but not if it is already committed?

Answer: Suicide.
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