Disgusting Eyebrows Ever
Tuesday, Aug 25, 2020, 4:00 pm
Plucked or unplucked, these eyebrows are gross. Before, his eyes were overtake with hair and a giant unibrow, but now with the waxing he looks more feminine but still with busy brows. It seems hard for a man to groom their brows without it looking strange. If you're a man born bushy, there may be no help.

8.Painted On
If you're going to pluck all your eyebrows off, it's usually because they are not growing at the angle you want them. But to then paint on two straigh lines as your new eyebrows is just crazy. Looks like she thought this was funny, and was trying to look like an emoticon.

9.Dotted Brows
This whole look is disgusting to some, but appealing to others. Plucking your entire eyebrows off and then painting them on with just a few dots may look okay with this whole made up face, but what about when she is going out for a run, or just waking up. Screeeeam.

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