15 Signs That Are Too Dumb To Digest
Sunday, Aug 30, 2020, 12:39 pm
By:James Fraser
Sanity test: If you find even one picture on this list reasonable, we would call you a crazy person! Take the test now. Carefully look at all the 15 funny, stupid, and pointless signs and only tell us if you find them customary! We don't know why and what for people made these signs, but boy, they are freaking hilarious. Were people trying to troll others? Were the signs an end product of dumbness? We don't know! Well, we don't often stumble upon seeing such odd signs in our real life, so here, we made a list of 15 dumb signs for you to see and laugh hard!
1.A Message for ‘Peanut Blind’ People
We have heard about color blindness, but what is this peanut blindness all about. Unless a disorder like this exists, we don’t see any reason why a ‘may contain peanuts’ sticker should be here! A sticker that only reads ‘Peanuts’ would have made some sense. Thank you, captain!


2.Sounds More like a Personal Experience
This looks more like a crazy person's personal experience than a sign. This is and this will a weird sign.


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3.Thanks for a Life Saving Advice
This ‘Don’t Breathe Under Water’ is the best life saving advice ever written on a signboard. This place, which looks like a swimming pool, has pretty obvious advice on display to the people around. Joking aside, this sign is ridiculously stupid. For us, this is one of the most useless signs ever.


4.Another Swimming Pool Masterpiece
It looks like swimming pools are the best places to learn some life lessons. We now have this pool that has yet another hilariously stupid sign. As per the board, it asks people not to dive into the pool with the water level as low as zero feet. Don’t you think this board looks stupid?


5.When Product Label Warnings Go Out of Control
Don’t swallow a hanger. No, we will not! Thanks ‘Moreliss Cleaners’ for your prompt product label warning, without which most people would have tried swallowing your yummy coat hangers, choking themselves to death. This sarcastic sign is not completely a fail, given the fact it fetches immense publicity to the business.


6.Yes, It’s not a Urinal
You won’t believe this until you see the ‘Not a Urinal’ sign on it. You can even see people questioning the sign. Jokes aside, what’s the point in hanging a ‘Not a Urinal’ signboard on this?


7.Hilarious Sanitary Door Opener
This sanitary door opener is a good idea to prevent germs from spreading from one hand to the other. How come someone put this weird sign on the door, asking people not too use anything other than hands to open the door. These sanitary door openers are placed well above the average human waistline. We are not sure what really prompted management to come up with a sign like this.

8.This isn’t a Water Fountain
The property owners or management team has put a much needed sign there, asking people not to drink water from a toilet. Only the people who put up this sign can imagine people drinking water from this toilet, mistaking it for a water fountain. Seriously, some people need their sanity checked.


9.Yes, This Elevator Kind of Plays Hide and Seek with People Around
This isn’t just dumb, but looks scary as well. Imagine stepping in a hollow space and falling down the stairs through an empty elevator shaft. We bet you will not forget this image for a long time. We hope this sign isn’t serious, and was meant only for some fun.


10.Never Dive into Your Toilet Seat
You heard it right! Apparently this toilet seat maker believes that there are people who actually dive into toilets, and put up a sign asking them not to. You should not because the water is too shallow, and diving in may cause you permanent injuries. We too hope no one ever tries diving into a toilet.


11.Redundancy at its Finest
This sentence ‘Freshly Squeezed Orange Made with Freshly Squeezed Orange’ says it all. Does it sound a little weird and unprofessional? Yes, it does! Don’t try to read it again and again. This bottle will probably trigger your OCD.


12.Who Thinks that as an Exit Anyway?
Check this funny image and let us know if the glass door there looks like an exit. It doesn’t look like an exit, right? But the owners of this store have other things in mind. All we can see from here is a refrigerator that is full of milk bottles. It Is definitely not an exit from planet earth to the milky way.


13.When Editorial Chief Lost his entire IQ
Homicide victims are dead people! How can dead people talk to police or anyone? This headline could have possibly caused job losses for at least two to three people working for that newspaper. This is one of the funniest and dumbest pictures we have seen so far.


14.You Don’t Say?
You get throat cancer if you have a throat or mouth. If this is the case, the whole world will be at risk of throat cancer except the ones who don’t have them. It looks like the writer has run out of ideas. This is crazy! This will make anybody laugh.


15.Discovery of the Year Award Goes to…
This will be the dumbest news line you will ever see on a live news television. They may be good at tracking storms, but very poor at reporting things to the general audience in an intelligent manner.


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