15 Dumbest People You Will Ever See
Saturday, Aug 22, 2020, 7:10 am
By:James Fraser
If being dumb were a religion, these 15 stupid people would probably qualify to… Read More (+)
4.Where Did You Hear About it?
Someone from the 'dumb club' could have told him to use microwave to charge his phone. This dumb fellow tried it only to burn his phone. Welcome to the real world; where phone chargers power cell phones, and microwaves cook food! This isn't just dumb, this is plain stupidity at display!

5.This Has Come Straight from a Press Reporter
Huffington Post reporter Ryan. J. Reilly has tweeted this image during Ferguson unrest, asking people to confirm if they are rubber bullets. Dear reporter, they are not rubber bullets! They are used earplugs! As you are a reporter, you should have known the difference between a rubber bullet and an earplug. This is funny!

6.The Dumb Queen
1. Sperm don't sleep at night. Sperm is something that doesn't sleep at all.
2. You can't be called virgin, just because you don't get pregnant from sex.
3. You are not smart.
4. You are just dumb.
End of the story.

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