15 Hilarious Blonde Jokes That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud
Wednesday, Aug 19, 2020, 4:11 pm
By:James Fraser
How pale hair and intelligence are connected? Why are blondes often perceived as less intelligent? Let's debunk the age-old blonde stereotype now. Men have always considered pale-haired women hot. Blondes used to be so popular in the olden days that an average successful man would pick a blonde over a brunette or ginger to marry. The offensive blonde stereotype originated a few hundred years ago when people started reproving blondes saying they use their physical appearance more than their intelligence to move up ranks in life. Thanks to the likes of Paris Hilton, the blonde stereotype has never been dead. Let's end the lecture here, and quickly read 15 hilarious blonde jokes that will make you laugh out loud!
1.What Does IDK Stand For?
Blonde: Hey what does IDK stand for?
Brunette: I Don't Know!
Blonde: Nobody seems to know it.

2.Trapped on an Island
A blonde, brunette and redhead were trapped on an island. The nearest shore was 50 miles away. The brunette swam for 15 miles, drowned and died. The redhead swam for 20 miles, drowned and died. The blonde swam for 25 miles, got tired, and swam all the way back to the island!

3.Blonde and the Blinker
A guy was travelling in a car with a blonde. He asked her to stick her head out of the window to see if the blinker was working. The girl stuck her head out and said, "Yes, no, yes, no, yes no, yes... no..."

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